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Welcome to The Finnish Research Impact Foundation’s grant application system.

Here you can submit your application and report your research project and the use of the funding.

Please ready carefully the guidelines for application before applying.

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Type of funding
Tandem Industry Academia 2024
Funded by the Finnish Research Impact Foundation, Tandem Industry Academia Postdoc (TIA Postdoc) intends to support joint research projects between academic and industrial partners and to promote mobility across the academia-business interface. The TIA funding model has been developed by FRIF with a view to encouraging ambitious precompetitive projects that further the aims of both leading-edge academic research and business and industry. This is the fourth round of TIA funding calls.
04.03 - 14.04.2024
Tandem Industry Academia Professor 2024
The Tandem Industry Academia Professor (TIA Professor) funding scheme is designed to give professors the opportunity to spend one year doing joint research in a business environment. Its purpose is to support and promote research collaborations between industry and academia. On the one hand, it will give academic partners first-hand knowledge about relevant areas of research interest in industry; and on the other hand, it will give industry partners unique access to top-tier research insights in the fields of their interest.
02.09 - 13.10.2024